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Top 10 Essential Laravel Packages In 2021

|  3 years ago |   1271 views

It is essential to stay ahead in competition when you are dependent on business applications. To perform better you need to optimize your business app with the best Laravel packages. So here you should pick the best Laravel development services to speed up your site with low server resources.

What Are Packages Called?

As a PHP developer, you must be familiar with the architecture and its applications. One of the application's main goals is to make life easier for developers by making web projects include plugins, extensions, packages, and components clear and specific to use.

Laravel framework

When we talk about web development, Laravel is one of the most reliable frameworks to build web applications. Hire our experienced Laravel developers to reduce complexity in the development cycle by automating tasks such as networking, indexing, authentication, and sessions. There will never be a time when Laravel development services compromise functionality for the sake of speed.

When we look at the many varieties of packages available in the sector, we can see that there are three different types of packages. The first is a framework that is independent of any other frameworks, and the others are frameworks that are particular to other frameworks.

One of the grounds that Laravel packages are so popular among developers is that they include all of the framework's functionality for constructing apps. It covers things like migrations, views, testing, and routing.

Top Laravel Packages

1.       Spatie: Numerous web apps depend largely on roles and permissions. Laravel has a long history of providing packages for them, as well as improving the core code. One of the better permissions packages is Spatie Roles & Permission.

Benefits: Roles


Direct Permissions


Multiple Blade directives

Artisan Commands

2.       Entrust: This package allows users to add Role-based Permissions to your Laravel 8 application in a dynamic manner. The roles table maintains role records, the permissions table that contains permission records, the role user table stores one-to-many interactions between roles and users, and the permission role table stores many-to-many relationships between role-based access control.

The following code can be used to create a role:

$admin = new Role();

$admin->name = ‘admin’;

$admin->display_name = ‘User Administrator’; // optional

$admin->description = ‘User is allowed to manage and edit other users’; // optional


Let's look at how to allocate roles to users:

user = User::where('username', '=', 'michele')->first();


Now, you must give permissions to these roles:

$createPost = new Permission();

$createPost->name         = 'create-post';

$createPost->display_name = 'Create Posts';

$createPost->description  = 'create new blog posts';



3.       Laravel debug bar: The Laravel Debugbar package is one of the greatest Laravel packages for adding a developer taskbar to your application (s). This package is mostly useful for debugging. Debugbar comes with a plethora of settings. It will assist you in displaying all of the requests that your application provides – everything linked to the route – that you have called, as well as all of the arguments that you have passed. When you use the Façade to add messages, they will appear in the 'Messages' tab in Laravel Debugbar.



Debugbar::warning(‘Watch out…’);

Debugbar::addMessage(‘Another message’, ‘mylabel’)

4.       User Verification in Laravel: This package lets you manage user authentication and email validation (s). It creates and saves a verification ticket for the registered user, sends or queues an email containing the verification token link, handles token verification, and marks the user as verified. This package also includes functionality, such as route middleware that is checked.

public function register(Request $request)



   $user = $this->create($request->all());

   event(new Registered($user));



   UserVerification::send($user, 'My Custom E-mail Subject');

   return $this->registered ($request, $user)

       ?: redirect($this->redirectPath());

5.       Socialite: Administering OAuth authentication is vital, and this Laravel module makes it simple and transparent. You can quickly log in using social media sites like Google, Facebook, and Twitter.

$user = Socialite::driver(‘github’)->user();

// OAuth Two Providers

$token = $user->token;

$refreshToken = $user->refreshToken; // not always provided

$expiresIn = $user->expiresIn;

// All Providers





6.       Laravel Meta Manager: You may improve your website's SEO by utilizing Laravel Meta Manager, which will enable it to rank higher on the first page of search results. It focuses on the application's Meta tags and assists you in correcting them in accordance with SEO best practices. Standard SEO, Dublin Core, Google Plus, Facebook Open Graph, and many other Meta tags are included in the package.

7.       AutoMeta: AutoMeta is a fantastic Laravel SEO services solution that assists developers with standard SEO strategies. It's one of the best SEO tools for Laravel, allowing you to easily update your website's meta tags. The package also aids in the correction of some typical SEO flaws in the application and the creation of code that is easy for search engine bots to scan.

8.       Laravel Seoable: Laravel One of the most popular SEO solutions for Laravel projects is Seoable. It includes sufficient SEO approaches for optimizing Laravel apps for search engine rankings. The package defines certain fundamental Laravel functions that follow SEO best practices, such as mapping Eloquent characteristics to SEO Meta tags, creating custom templates for page title/description, and defining custom SEO data for application models, among other things.

9.       LaravelSEO: Laravel-seo is another useful SEO package that makes it simple to add, update, and destroy website Meta tags. You can also use this package to easily inject structured data into Laravel projects and handle some of the most often used SEO Meta tags, such as Facebook Open Graph, Dublin Core, and others.

10.   SEO tools: These Laravel packages aid in the optimization of Laravel SEO using new strategies for obtaining high rankings in search results. SEOTools is supported by both the Laravel and Lumen frameworks. It offers some excellent optimization features. Because it is user-friendly, you may quickly begin working on your project. It includes methods for creating title and meta tags for open graphs and Twitter.

In this article, we have discussed how to utilize various Laravel packages to increase the efficiency of your project. Because Laravel makes it simple for Web Development companies to implement custom-defined operations, users can simply complete their functional duties by using one of these packages. Using those packages that assist you in performing your functional responsibilities depends on the needs and specifications of the project.



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